I like to play Marvel VS. Capcom 2 (MvC2 for short) whenever I have the chance. Its a cool game to kick the shit out of someones teeth. I especially like to kick the crapt out of those people that keep coming back for more. But how did I get so good? It takes about 1 summer and 84 billion trips to the mall. I liked to play the first Marvel VS. Capcom. But when the second one came out, I was mixed up. But after a while i got better and better. So at the end of the summer I was a killing machine. I learned everything on my own from watching the people play. But once i asked how to pull out Cable's hand gun but that doesnt count. Practice makes perfect even though i still get my ass kicked by those guys who bring their chairs with them. Bastards. Anyway it took me a while to get good. On this page i will mainly talk about how to use my favorite characters and stuff. Maybe i'll look in a magazine and get some things from there. This page is for a player a little bit more than a beginner.
Fuck its been awhile..
Holy christ its been awhile since i updated this site and played this fucken ubar game! But damn i gotten alot better, learned some commando but i still suck with him, usually use AKUMA (roar), commando or guile, and cable. jeez i have fucked up alot of peeple with akuma. every assist with these guys should be ANTI-AIR. Akuma will do his fukken bad arse uppercut which is basically uninterruptable, same with guild except e will do that sonic boom, cable will throw a flaming spear thingy, and OMG COMMANDO has the best anti-air assist throwing out his captain corridor thingamajiggy. so i use assists alot. well i can still do air combos with ease with akuma, guile, or cap'n commando, only person i really do is with guile. with akuma i try to keep em cornered using hurricane kicks, assists and those nasty drop kick things. usually i start out with a drop kick by doing back, down, forward + any kick. that will throw akuma from the very top to the bottom, if connected then i might go into his million fireball super which is just back, down, forward + both punches. that does decent damage. whether it connects or not i probly will begin hitting down and weak kick as to catch my opponent off guard, it that connects i go into a hurricane kick which then i combo in that million fireball super. hitting assist anytime while ur on the ground will bring out someone to do more damage. its great when your oppenent is like "fuck" :). bad part about akuma is that he is a pussy and can get killed rather easily. guile is same ol same ol. cable too. now captain commando im a bit laggy with him, using just strong kick to launch peeple into the air is a bit too easy for me, but i try to go from that into his captain sword super which does mucho damage. if u connect on a strong kick while on the ground, it will launch ur opponent into the air, immediatly presss back, down, forward + both punches to start the captain's sword. awsome when u tottally connect. other than that i like throwing his friend out to attack, forgot how :/. oh well, i still get my ass kicked by magneto lovers and that fucken storm bitch, tuffer than shit but i dont like to play cheap crap. oh well cya around ill kick ur ass next time we play sucka.
How I Became A Master
My Favorites
Of all the characters who i like to play with i think that Cable is my favoritest. I think that everybody thinks that he is the best cuz they always play with him. And who doesnt like big guns. Cable is mainly a clean up character. Bring him out only when you wanna use his big gun to finish off wimps. He is the greatest when he jumps in and shoots his gun and pops back. Ya know, when he is not his main character. Always make his type-projectile. That is how he works. Shoot and shoot and shoot and kill. Pull out his hand-gun bye pressing Strong Punch twice and when he is almost done with that, do a some fireball type joystick maneuvers(B,D,F+Punch) to bring out the big gun to get a decent combo. You can also pull out his handgun and go into his super by pressing the two punch buttons instead of one! Cool. I dont recommend you use the other super because it is so slow. Another fav/good character of mine is Guile. I always saw him kicking the crapt out of people when the game first came out. He is agile and pretty easy to pull off combos with. You definitely need to learn how to dash with him by pressing FF. After you dash press WP,WP,D,SP,U,WP,WP,SK. After the two WP, press down and SP at the same time and press up right after that. Yeah. Sweet. Guile also has a ground combo. Just press WK(while in the air jumping at an opponent), D+WK(while on the ground right next to the opponent-hold D for the next button too), D+SK, U. Instead of pressing U, you can do his Sonic Boom Super. Do a backwards semi-circle and press both kick buttons. That one is sweet. That is all that I know on Guile. The last addition to this list is Akuma. He has some sweet moves. While high up in the air, do a fireball except with the kick button and he will do a wierd drop kick across the screen and down. Try doing those hurricane kicks with him. If you connect, then go into a super. He will throw multiple amounts of fireballs at the opponent. His Uppercut Super is cool, but it is hard to connect. His other super is pretty crapty. One of my favorite things to do with Akuma is to us his Anti-Air Type. That way when you bring him out as the secondary character he will do a kick ass uppercut. This is very useful against agressive opponents. If he does not connect, make sure you back him up so he will not get hurt. One of the coolest things i ever did with Akuma was when I pulled of a super with cable but the guy(who was playing Akuma) got behind him. He executed the uppercut super and he would of had me except that I popped out Akuma by doing a reverse fireball+ both punches and he did a Ryu Beam. That guy thought that he had me, but I f*cken killed him. So those are my characters for now, they will probably change. Keep you posted 5/02/01
KEYS: WP-Weak Punch__SP-Strong Punch__WK-Weak Kick__SK-Strong Kick__U-Up__D-Down__L-Left__R-Right__T1-Top Button Far Right(Tag 1)__T2-Bottom Button Far Right(Tag 2)
What really suks? Ya know what really suks. When your just playing MVC 2 by yourself and testing out new characters, and some guy comes up and barely beats you. What really suks is when you have to leave or run out of money or your girlfriend makes you leave. That suks. You know if you use Akuma, Guile, and Cable that everything will be cool but you cant. Thats what really suks. Peace out. 5/16/01
Weak Ass Guile
Can anyone suggest to me another character besides Guile??? He is sorta weak and his super is not so special. U can just put it in the guestbook. )
Marvel VS. Capcom 2 is licensed by Capcom.