Magic: the Gathering
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The Downlow

I began playing Magic: the Gathering since about 1998. I began one day with a fifth edition booster and starter pack. I started out playing like crapt (but who doesn't) and from there i got better. I also began to roleplay in 1999. After maybe a year and a half to two years i quit Magic because it was boring to me. I began to play Warhammer 40K and DragonBallZ. But after a sudden shortage of Warhammer stores, I had a choice to either quit playing Warhammer for a while, or play at a most undesirable place. So i have recently returned to Magic and have done well so far. I consider myself an old school player but not as old as some. I still need to know some of the new cards like in Planeshift and Invasion, but i will learn them soon. So thats my gaming career and i wont mention that short time i played P*kemon. Oh yeah. Kird Apes rule.

Card of the Week: El Lightning Boltzor CLICKZOR

My Decks

To me Magic is a gateway game. It has linked me to all sorts of games and people. It is the game that will never go away because it is the original collectible card game. The most recent tournament that i have been to, I sorta won. Me and my friend split the prize for 1st. I like red and green but blue has almost always been my favorite. Actually i have always liked to play with green and blue decks. But now i think red and green are dominant type II colors. I just like to kill opponents with creatures and them finish them off with burn. Here is my deck:
Mtenda Lion-4
Pouncing Jaguar-1
Ghazban Ogre-4

Mogg Fanatic-4
Raging Goblin-2
Kird Ape(Yes)-4

Giant Growth-4

Lighting Bolt-4
Reckless Abandon-3

Cursed Scroll-2

Reflecting Pool-1
Karlplusan Forest-1

This deck is a fast deck. You dont need the omni-potent powers of the Llanowar Elves here because everything cost 1 mana. Everything. It goes like this; first turn Kird Ape- second turn Rancor and Bolt for 7 damage- third turn Giant Growth and some creature for 11 total damage- fourth turn is a mixture of burn spells and Giant Growths and a finisher of Reckless Abandon. I had regular fourth turn kills with my deck. Yippee. This deck is not hard to make. The only hard things to find are the Lighting Bolts, Cursed Scrolls, and the Reflecting Pool. Bolts are a must in this deck. 3 damage for 1 mana is great. Scrolls are not neccessary and I even thought about taking them out. You do not need them. The Reflecting Pool is not neccessary either because it is only one. So all you need to find is one rare which is not hard to find-Karplusan Forest. You do not need this either. So this deck is all commons and uncommons. If you decide to make this deck then tell me how it does.

Rares are among the most craptiest cards ever to see the table. Common cards are the best among the three categories of cards. They are abundant and they kick ass. Combo decks are a different story altogether. In my decks, most rares are just add-ons. Since i like to play with red and green, commons go in my deck first. As I look through the Nemesis card lists, a few cards pop out. Most of the Seal's are great. Like Seal of Cleansing which is an enchantment Disenchant. You don't have to worry about keeping your mana saved for when he plays that artifact or enchantment spell. Spitefull Bully is an excellent card in a small combo. All you need is a creature with protecion from black and the 3 damage is nothing. FLAME RIFT. If the card list is right, it does 4 damage to each player for 1 mana. Power finisher. Prophecy also had some stick outs. Rhystic Study is good in the early game. But it should go in multi-colored non-counterspell decks because in the early game counterspell decks need to save their lands. Latulla's Orders is an excellent Shatter. Living Terrain is dirt cheap. A 5/4 for 4 mana and haste(because the land has been in play for several turns) as long as you have 5 lands(one for the enchantment to be put on. Silt Crawler is a 3/3 for 3 that you have to tap all of your lands when it comes into play. What a drawback. Spore Frog is a fog in creature form. Pop his brains out and out comes the fog. Thresher beast is a 4/4 for 5 but when blocked causes the defending player to sacrifice a land. I like Vintara Snapper just because he is a little turtle. Wild mightis nasty because it can get you a temporary 6/7 on the 2nd turn(thanks to the Kird Ape). That is all the cards that i have seen so far so i will add more later.

I used to play blue a long time ago. One time i made my blue deck and went to a tournament and all of my rares and uncommons were stolen except for my blue deck. That sorta suked since i lost like 2 Tradewind Riders, 2 Reflecting Pools, and 2 City of Brass. I lost almost everything that was worth something. So i was stuck playing blue. Blue is cool ya know. Just say stuff like,"No. You can't play that". Thats fun to do. Just stick a bunch of counterspells in there and some card drawing stuff like Whisper of the Muse and Treasure Trove(this is back in the old day). Maybe a couple of creatures like a Peridine Drake(I dont think that is spelled right) that allows you to untap all 5 lands that you tapped for it. And for fun just make a pinger deck. Any creature that an opponent plays will never make it long with a few pingers in play. Like Prodigal Sorcerer and Rootwater Merfolk and that one faerie that flies and the reprinted Mawcor and a Pirate Ship. Yeah this deck is a lot of fun. So blue can be fun if you play with pingers or boring if you play counterspell.

Black and White?
I thought up a cool deck in my but have not made it or tested it out. It has a bunch of small combos in it. The combos are all two colors. If you test it out tell me how it is.Here is the deck:
4-Sleeper Agent
4-Spitefull Bully
4-Spirit Link
4-Flesh Reaver
4-Hidden Horror
4-Unholy Strength
4-Dark Ritual
2-Savahnah Lions
The basis of this deck is to kill fast and hard. The Sleeper Agent goes to your opponent when it is played. It is a 3/3 and deals 2 damage to him during his upkeep. A Pacifism will stop him from attacking. Spitefull Bully is a 3/3 for two mana(B1) and deals 3 damage to a creature you control during your upkeep. Dreamspeaders is a 1/1 with protection from black. No damage problem. Flesh Reaver is 4/4 for two mana(B1). When he deals damage, that amount is also dealt to you. So a Spirit Link will stop this and gain you four life instead of losing four. I was mixed up at first when i thought of this so this is how it happens. He deals 4 damage to something and 4 damage to you. So you gain 8 life in all and lose 4. Yeah. Unholy Strength is just for fun and to beef up your creatures. Dark Rituals might make the deck faster. With it you can get a first turn, 4/4 Hidden Horror. Cool. I did not know what else to add so i put in some Carnophages and some Savhana Lions. So tell me how this deck works out.